On January the 10th, the founders met at Katajanokka, Helsinki, Finland. The first meeting took place after two months of preliminary discussions and planning. It was a small meeting, but it had the approval of Finnlines Oyj themselves. They own the name "Finnjet". It is not only the name of the ship, but is also a trademark and hence carries a certain value.


The fate of the telegraphs - developing story

GTS FINNJET had four sets of engine telegraphs. One on the bridge, two on both sides of the bridge wings and a split set in the engine control room.

The first telegraphs were installed in 1976 at the Wärtsilä Hietalahti yard in Helsinki. They served...


It was not long ago, infact it was only in 1977, when we were filled with pride as GTS FINNJET welcomed her first passengers onboard. A new ship and not just any ship. The showcase of Finnish design and engineering. A lot of of love, hard work and money was spent to keep this ship running without hi...