Encompassing work by FHS

During the last half year several FHS members have brought our society to the attention of manufacturers who took part in the construction of the superferry GTS Finnjet.

As a chairman I always try to find the right woman or man for the task at hand. Today I can once agai...


--- Article only available in Finnish and Swedish ---

Konepäällystöliiton tuore julkaisu "Voima ja Käyttö" 7-8/2009 sisältää oivallisen artikkelin otsikolla: "GTS Finnjet, ja hyvät vuodet Helsingin telakalla, mutta telakkakonkurssi 23.10.1989 ei unohdu?

Artikkeli sisältää konkurssiaikojen...


I have unpleasant news from our technical advisor:

There will be no container from India! Up here in the north it is customary, that when an agreement has been reached, the price will remain fixed. However, in India the customs of trade are very different. The equipment was re-marketed to pump up...


A forgotten film from 1977

We have a little treasure in our archive and I would like to share it with you. We received a video cassette in January from the first chief engineer of GTS Finnjet. This production was filmed in 1977 and shows the ship in all of her glory. The program contains 90 minute...


The internal society update has not been published during August. Sometimes it is good to take a break and throw in a diver to have a look at things on the other side. The analysis is complete and it is time to increase revolutions.