Little christmas cruise!
The society has once again filled a empty position. From now on Mrs Ritva Pulli will make certain that we don't just sit at our computers feeling sorry for our GTS Finnjet.
And there are big news in this regard already in December! Finnlines Oyj has promised to offer us a cruise at a reduced price. The former crews of GTS Finnjet and the members of the small Finnjet society are both invited on this landmark 4-day cruise. In earlier years the crews have met each other and this fine tradition fortunately continues. By including our society we will be able to bring more crews of Finnjet, designers and builders, passengers and admirers into the joint cruise.
The event is labeled as a little Christmas cruise. However, the timing of this event has deeper symbolic meaning. On the Finnish independence day in 1973 the traditional candles could be lit with pride. The news was out, Finland would build a true landmark of a ship. Three years later the first sea trials were performed close to the independence day once again.
So, do keep the days around the 6th of December reserved for Finnjet. More about the trip, the arrangements and program will be featured in the upcoming society internal FHS COMPASS -newsletter.
Thank you Finnlines and Ritva!