Die bevorstehende Dezember Kreuzfahrt hat das Interesse unserer Mitglieder erweckt. Von Anfang an waren wir aber besorgt, dass sich unsere Mitglieder aus Deutschland und Mitteleuropa von der HEL– TRA– HEL Kreuzfahrt ein wenig ausgeschlossen fühlen würden.

Finnlines haben sich wiederum als Retter e...


The society has once again filled a empty position. From now on Mrs Ritva Pulli will make certain that we don't just sit at our computers feeling sorry for our GTS Finnjet.


As our German-speaking audience has noted, a lot of translations are missing. "We find it rather upsetting when there are no chocolates on the pillow. Therefore we shall substitute this with a bag of gummibears."

The publisher of the German maritime news service Seefahrt-Aktuell, Mr Marcel Brech,...


Encompassing work by FHS

During the last half year several FHS members have brought our society to the attention of manufacturers who took part in the construction of the superferry GTS Finnjet.

As a chairman I always try to find the right woman or man for the task at hand. Today I can once agai...


I have unpleasant news from our technical advisor:

There will be no container from India! Up here in the north it is customary, that when an agreement has been reached, the price will remain fixed. However, in India the customs of trade are very different. The equipment was re-marketed to pump up...