STX Helsinki has sent our society three folders of GTS Finnjet materials.

Folder "1": 2004 conversion contract sub-folders.

Folder "2": 1974-1976 steel plans regarding weather deck, bow and bow gate.

Folder "3": 1975 steel plans regarding bow, bow gate, double bottom, propeller shafts and exha...


The society has nominated Mr Ari "Arvid" Kangasalusta into the position of "Entertainer". Ari is one of the older GTS Finnjet crewmembers and will from now on bring exciting program and good spirits to our events.

Finnjet Historical Society ry wishes a Merry Christmas to the former crews of...


A while ago we were honoured to handle a membership application, where we could spot a very familiar name. The esteemed gentleman has served on GTS Finnjet longer than any other person. The legend of Finnjet and the final Finnish Chief engineer, Mr Juhani Puonti.


My thank you's to everyone who took part in this historic cruise, which assembled to honour a ship that is no more.

First of all, I wish to thank Mrs Ritva Pulli for arranging our cruise and the bulk of the program. We couldn't have done it without her. The Finnjet -spirit truly lives in her.

Tero and Ritva in LübeckOn the bridge of M/S FinnmaidI...


Finnlines has yet again adjusted our cruise program.

  • Arrival at Rostock as scheduled.

  • A bus/busses will take us to LÜBECK! (We can leave our luggage in the ship)

  • M/V Finnmaid moves to Travemünde during the day.

  • We'll experience Lübeck and then we will be taken to TRAVEMÜNDE!
