FHS Publication project

/ Johannes Schultze / News

Dear Member,

In my opinion, FHS - as a historical society in the borderland between maritime matters, culture and technology - should have its own publication as a focus of its members expertise and experience.

As a long-term project it would depend on active participation of a small group of dedicated people. Since time and energy is limited for all of us, one of the main challenges of such aninternational group would naturally to find a good cooperation structure.

If you are interested to participate in such a publication project, I would like to invite you to contact me via E-mail. Please send me a short "declaration of intent" - preferably with your main fields of interest:


Be assured, that all personal data and information are kept strictly confidential AND: There is no obligation of any kind.

In case, there are enough interested members of FHS to collaborate in such a project, I would establish a contact between those members via E-mail and take care of the initial cooperation as long as we have no stable structures.

Johannes Schultze

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